Sai Sanniboyina
What is rheumatology?Rheumatology in one sentence is a branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing and treating disorders of the joints, muscles, bones, and immune system. Rheumatology improves the daily lives of people suffering from arthritis and autoimmune diseases. This study helps improve the quality of life for those with musculoskeletal and autoimmune syndromes, they offer specialized care to manage conditions, avoid disabilities, and enhance your well-being.
Rheumatic Diseases in simple words are a group of inflammatory conditions that affect the joint, muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues. Rheumatic Diseases can cause pain and swelling in joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones that can be painful, swollen, or stiff. They can also cause Deformities making easy daily tasks difficult for many people. Fatigue, eye and mouth issues, skin issues, lung issues, etc.
- Joint Pains
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Fatigue
- Warmth & Redness
- Limited Movement
- Malaise
- Fever
- Weight Loss
Medical HistoryX - Professional doctors discuss the family history of a patient, discussing if any other family members have similar problems or if they had struggled with rheumatic diseases. If a patient does have a trace of rheumatic diseases in their history there is a likely chance of the patient having a rheumatic disease.
Physical Exams - Physical Exams are also used to fathom whether or not a patient has an rheumatic disease, physical exams usually consist of: Measuring vital signs, Examining the body, Listening to the body:(using a stethoscope to listen to the patient's heart, lungs, and bowels), Testing reflexes, Questions, Vaccination Updates
Laboratory Tests
Blood Tests
X-rays - Used to detect joint damage, bone erosion, and deformities
Ultrasound - Assisting in identifying inflammation, synovitis, and early joint damage
MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - MRI’s provide detailed images of soft tissues and can assess early signs of disease or inflammation
CT scans - In special cases CT scans are used to determine if a patient has a rheumatic disease, they are used to assess bone and joint damage in extended description
- Medications
- Physical Therapy and Exercise
- Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
- Alternative Therapies
- Surgical Options
- Regular Monitoring and Adjustments
★ RA can cause balance issues
★ RA can cause loss of bone density, leading to thin, brittle bones
★ RA can cause problems with sexual function and intimate relationships